Thursday, September 12, 2013

Babylonian Creation Story

In the beginning the universe was unformed, the earth and sky unnamed
Two primary gods emerge, Apsu (sweet primeval waters) and Tiamat (salt primeval waters)
The waters mix to create Lahma and Lahama (mud and silt),
Mud and Silt form two more gods Ansar, god of the whole sky and Kishar, god of the whole earth
which of whom in turn form the god Anu (Sky), father of Ea known as the trickster god.

The elder gods Apsu and  Tiamat are furious with the young gods as they play with their brothers,
Apsu convinces Tiamat to do away with the rambunctious younger gods because they keep him from rest,
Young Ea hears of this plot and meets in a council with his fellow gods none of which are strong enough to stop the mighty Tiamat.

Ea froms Marduk, the son of suns, the god of gods
The council asks of him one favor, to stop the Tiamat from her quest of distruction,
Marduk agrees under one condition, if he succeeds he is to be made the unspoken leader of all gods
the gods agree to his demands.

Marduk builds weapons of all sorts, arrows, tornado winds,  and the mightiest of all the rain flood
Marduk mounts his chariot, with his mace in hand he travels into the ocean,
the rebel gods stunned by the sight of Marduk stand aside as he challenges Tiamat to single combat,
Marduk defeats Tiamat with ease, tearing her body in two, one half he places to roof the sky,
the second hold the rivers and ocean so the water could not escape
Marduk uses her body to form the universe, shape mountains and create rain.

Marduk still unsatisfied, he wishes to create bone in the form of the savage
he question Ea to who incited Tiamat to plot against his brothers
the god replies Kingu, who is then slayed, using his blood mankind is created to do the work of the gods,
Marduk finally divides the heavens assigning each god a place in heaven or on earth creating Babylon the link between mankind and the heavens.